6 channel Remote Control (Part 1)

After successfull 2 channel remote control experiment, it is time to improve it. The plan is to build 6 channel remote control. Six analog input use for throttle, rudder, aileron, elevator and 2 extra not sure for what yet but since there are 2 analog input left, don't waste it 😁. Pin A4 and A5 will be use for I2C LCD display in near future but as a result I dont have analog pin to measure the battery voltages πŸ˜₯. I'm thinking to use MAX17044 but somehow no one sell the module. They do sell MAX17043 version but that for 1 cell.

The transmitter and receiver connection are seen from picture below.

Transmitter connection:

Receiver connection:

After some wiring, this is what the transmitter look like. The LCD is just for show 😁, curently not operatiol yet.

The receiver wiring is straight forward. The receiver will be powered 5V from ESC

Video of it in action πŸ˜‰.


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